Travelling is fun for few people and for others it’s like meditation, some people call it a journey of finding oneself.
Well, everyone has their own point of view regarding travel but one thing everyone tells after travelling is that it gives a deep down satisfaction and happiness.
If you are a travel freak then here are 10 things travel teaches you.
Travel Educates You – We learn by seeing and experiencing, while travelling you meet new people, go to new places and know about them that gives you kind of knowledge or education that you cannot expect you will get by just reading any random book.
You learn to save money – Travel teaches you to save money. Once you start travelling at your own you will start calculating your expenditure and budget and you will never ever spend extra money on less important things. You will start managing your account and every time you return from any trip you will start saving money for you next trip.
You learn to different cultures – You become friendly and above all you learn to appreciate people and also get to know about different cultures that gives you not only knowledge but also an opportunity to know something different about place and people.
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You realize your worth – During travel you get the best company of being with yourself. You start talking to yourself and get answers to so many questions and problems that are unsolved.
You become Bold and confident – Travel alone not only gives you satisfaction but also makes you a bold and confident person. You meet new people interact with them sometimes try to understand their language and culture gives you much confidence.
Travel teaches you to be kind & Helpful – Many a times during your travel you meet people who helps you at every step from telling you about buses, trains and which way to go.
Start admiring Mother Nature – While travelling your eyes get so much to see and heart feels admiring everything that your eyes sees. Seeing a water fall, sitting near sea shores and watching snow covered mountains makes you admire Mother Nature.
The Whole world is My Home – When you step out of your home or comfort zone first you get nervous and people tells you that world is bad out there but soon when you start meeting people and you meet kind and helpful people everywhere you feel like home everywhere.

You always have stories – After travelling around you will always have stories and memories that you will cherish for lifetime.
You learn to let Go – you start realizing that everything has its end and everything that comes around goes around and you realize there is nothing to hold anything that hurts you. Travel teaches you to let go.
Well, now only one thing that you need to remember is – Stop Worrying just start travelling…
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